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august pics

The summer is quickly coming to an end. Sadly it looks like I won't have time to hang out at the beach one last time before I head out to Paris. Here are some snap shots of August....



Super Soaker Collection at The Palms LIC

Artichoke Pizza

14th St and 6th Ave

 (photos by Cathie)


8 years

photo by: Irene Suchocki


I moved to New York on August 23, 2003. I started the Master's Program for Art Therapy at the School of Visual Arts. I lived in a single dorm room and moved out after a semester, once I had a mouse problem. Luckily a good friend was moving to NYC around that time, so we rented an apt in the Upper West Side. I lived there for about 4 years then moved to Chinatown. Talk about change of environment. We only lasted less than a year there and moved to Gramercy. Funny how things come in full circle, my current apt is a block away from my old dorm building.

Almost all of my roommates that I've lived with in the past 8 years, moved back to CA or to their respected home towns. Whenever I go home to visit, I get asked the question, "So when are you moving back?". I don't know the answer to that. I'm fortunate enough to live here and experience this crazy, fast moving city for so long. In all honesty though, I don't think I would have survived without the support of my family and friends back at home. And it helps a great deal to have some good friends here to keep you sane.  So to all of you, thank you.


Video Monday: Holocene

This video by Bon Iver makes me want to go to Iceland even more. Absolutely breathtaking.

BON IVER "Holocene" from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.


Golden State

Tokidoki's version of CA's flag is too cute!




BaoHaus just opened a second location in the East Village and of course I had to check it out. My friend and I shared their Royal Frush combo. No, I didn't spell that wrong, their tagline is Fresh Off The Boat. If you're Asian you'll understand the joke ;) It was also a pleasant surprise to see my friend, Henry as one of their cooks. I ordered the Chairman Bao, Birdhouse Bao and the Robin Givens. Next time I'm thinking of ordering the Uncle Jesse.

Bao Fries

their crazy asian themed mural