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Entries in Photography (78)


Hello Morocco

I love sitting by the window seat on planes to get shots like these. Here is Marrakech, Morocco.

There are horse drawn carriages, motor-bikes, bicycles and walkers all on the street.

We would see these boxes with numbers spray painted on the side of walls. We later found out from a local that it explains what kind of stores are represented there.

(photos by Cathie)


Au revoir Paris

As you read this post I'll be on a plane back to NYC. This month has flown by and I've seen, eaten and experienced a lot great things. There are still many things for me to share with you about my time in Paris and Morocco, I hope you don't mind.

Au revoir Paris, I know I'll be back soon!



Me and The Eiffel



Père Lachaise Cemetary

Père Lachaise Cemetary is one of the largest cemeteries in Paris and a resting place for many famous people such as Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, Frederic Chopin and Edith Piaf to name a few. Unfortunately, we only saw Jim Morrison's grave before we got kicked out since it closes at 6pm.

Here is Jim Morrison's grave.

They dared me to go in.

see more photos here


Champs Elysees Bridge

I took these pictures of the Champs Elysees Bridge before catching our boat on the Seine. Once again the clouds took over the scene.

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