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Entries in NYC (58)


Paridee & Yoshimoto Nara @ Niagara Bar

While my friend Paridee was having an art show at Niagara Bar, I also got to see Yoshitoto Nara' drawings on the walls of the bar.


Paridee Kositchiranant


Yoshimoto Nara



Have a good weekend!

My friend needed a baby gift so we stopped by Mini Jake in Williamsburg. I loved their polar bear sculpture outside. And it was even cuter when I found out that the owner's wife created him.


gallery outing: jonathan levine gallery

The Jonathan Levine Gallery is one of my favorite galleries in NYC. This Saturday I'm going to the opening reception for Phil Frost and Gary Taxali. If you're around definitely go check it out...

Jonathan Levine Gallery

529 W. 20th Street, 9E
New York, NY 10011

Opening Reception - Saturday, April 4th 7pm-9pm


Phil Frost





Gary Taxali



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